Favorite Resources


In working with hundreds of incredible empaths, I’ve compiled a list of some of the most used services and products I recommend while in session. For more resources, support and training, join our Facebook community here.

This page contains affiliate links. Rest assured, I only recommend products, resources, and shops that I personally love and that I think you’ll love too! 


Free Workbooks + PDFs


Spiritual Awakening

No matter where you currently are on your spiritual path, this guide will serve as a trusted resource for you as you continue to evolve.

Inside, you’ll learn the basics of the moon cycles, the importance of numerology, and how to use crystals to set intentions and manifest your reality while on your journey through your spiritual awakening!


Protect Your Energy

You may be tapping into stagnant, blocked or negative energy within your home or office and not even know it. Energy clearing helps to release the past, and what has been, to make way for fresh and positive energy to flow into your space, and into your life.

Within this guide you will find out when you should clear, what tools to use to help you clear, and exactly how to do it!


Lunar Guide

I personally have a really difficult time sitting with myself when my creativity dries up and I feel inescapably exhausted from just THINKING about the big vision I have for my life. It’s during these times when I stress out the most.

When self-criticism and judgment live in every corner of my brain. When my results slow down. When I feel like I’ll never get my energy back.

I use this guide when planning out my life and business activities so that I can harness the natural energetic highs and lows of the moon cycle.


Energetic Cycles

Our energetic lows are NO LESS VALUABLE than energetic highs. The truth is, we’re not designed to be “on” all the time. Just how nature has seasons + the moon has phases, we have highs + lows in our energy. We’re most productive when we can live from both the masculine + feminine, however, in a society that highly values the “get shit done” type of attitude, it’s difficult to see the value our feminine energy has to offer.

How do we honor + incorporate our cyclical nature into our lives? We plan our productivity around the different phases…



The Rooted Connection

The Rooted Connection is our very own membership community for the empaths, soul seekers, and lightworkers that are interested in developing their own intuition and stepping into their soul’s purpose.


Favorite Shops + Products

Tamed Wild Apothecary


Tamed Wild was founded on the belief in ancient herbal remedies to heal not only the body, but the soul. From crystals to candles, journals to jewelry, and just about everything in between - TWA is a great resource for the bulk of your intuitive needs!


Magic of I

Home of my favorite planner! Whether you are a moon lover, a planning freak, interested in the conversations of the planets, an astrology student or professional, yogi, witch, herbalist, complete noob OR you just want the whole cosmos in your pocket, there is now a full to the brim magical little guide that you cannot live without. The Magic of I. Astrological Planner.

Use the code: LAURENDRAGONCOOK for 10% off!


My Favorite Products