Lauren Dragon

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Weekly Energy: July 11 - July 17

Get Creative + Reflect

To be a human is to be creative, but it is easy to lose sight of this. From a young age, we absorb cultural stigma around the arts and creativity - that it is impractical and should take a backseat to more lucrative pursuits. But the truth is, creativity brings flow to our life. It finds openings.

Without a creative practice, we can easily find ourselves stuck and uninspired. And there are so many ways to be creative - you may feel called to rearrange your living space or write or take pictures, all of these things are great! Creativity is a way of life, not an activity.

Look around and see what things inspire you - what do you feel called to create or transform? Think outside the box. 

Without a reflective practice, we end up repeating the same patterns over and over again, unable to reach our potential. Sit in silence for a few moments and reflect upon what has been coming up for you recently.

  • What emotions do you find yourself experiencing continuously?

  • What situations do you find yourself in often?

  • If you are finding unease in any area of your life - have you experienced it before? When?

  • When was the first time you remember feeling this way?

  • How did your family handle these sorts of situations when you were young?

Consider journaling around these questions and allowing whatever needs to come out to come out. When we reflect, the intention is not to fix, but simply to view ourselves and our lives with less bias and more openness. 

▶️ Tap play to intentionally reflect on your creative way of life

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P.S. Doors are opening this week for Shadows Unveiled! Join me inside this 8-week container to illuminate your shadows and heal the fragmented pieces of your subconscious.

Are you ready to clean house? Are you ready to light the torch?

If my messages are helping/uplifting you at this time, donations to the website are welcome.

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