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Mercury RX Gets a Bad Rep
Mercury Retrograde really does get a bad rep. Retrogrades are catalysts for positive transformation and radiate immensely powerful bursts of supercharged cosmic energy that dramatically shake and alter our lives, giving us the opportunity to wipe the karmic slate clean and turn things completely around - always for the better. Learn how to make the most out of this super charged period. Here are my top 5 tips to help you sail through Mercury Retrograde!
How to Perform a Full Moon Ritual
You may have heard of the term “ritual” in the spiritual community but then conjured up this image of a witch dancing around a bubbling cauldron. (I know I did before understanding what they were!) Rituals are a period of the month that you regularly set intentions for yourself, clear out and release anything that isn’t serving you, etc. It is a great opportunity for you to kind of take stock of your life. You can use crystals, cards, journaling - whatever you feel called to do.
Signs from the Universe
We are always receiving signs from the Universe, but we often second guess them or don’t connect the dots. From songs on the radio playing at the perfect time to seeing repeating numbers constantly - find out what signs you have been missing that the Universe is trying to deliver to you and what they mean!
Scarcity Mindset Chains You Down as the Victim
The phrase “I don’t know” is disempowering in the sense that we aren’t allowing ourselves to dream without fear of failure. In order for us to release the idea of what things are supposed to look like and invite in what it is we DO want, we need to begin to trust. We get to change the perspective and shift our manifestations for the future. The illusion of needing to manifest our future will always fall flat if we aren’t reconciling our thought forms today.
🛑The Addictive Cycle of Feeling Paralyzed & Lost Needs to End 🛑
End the cycle that keeps you shackled by the chains of dependency on others for answers. The more choices that are made for us, the easier it is to exist on autopilot. The less effort we make to tune in and connect to what our higher self already knows, we are limited by the external things we measure ourselves against.