Weekly Energy: December 27-January 2

Remember, when you put yourself last, the Universe will as well.

You could be acting against your own best interests where money or health is concerned. Is it possible you're spending too much or not caring for yourself? Become more aware of choices and priorities to bring more discipline into your life. 

Something may be seriously out of proportion in your life. Possibly lack of self-acceptance or self-care? Look at how you may be out of balance with your time and energy.

Tap play to become self-honoring in your choices for December 27-January 2.

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If my messages are helping/uplifting you at this time, donations to the website are welcome.


My name is Lauren Dragon-Cook and I’m a spiritual teacher, energy healer, and Golden Girls enthusiast dedicated to helping you find YOUR version of intuition so you can live an aligned life. I help empaths activate their gifts and embody their soul’s purpose.


Weekly Energy: January 3-9


Weekly Energy: December 20-26