Weekly Energy: June 6 - 12
Cosmic Gateway + Awakening Presence
Your thoughts are magnetic and powerful. Miraculous changes are occurring.
You are connected to the universe and have the ability to manifest miraculous experiences. Your thoughts, words, and actions are like magnets drawing the energy that creates and cultivates your world.
You have a stellar gateway chakra above your head, a vortex of energy that is influenced by your own energy. You can place ideas into this vortex to create what you are seeking.
The universe also offers you guidance, abundance, support, and healing based on your capacity to connect to it and accept it. You have a real opportunity to further that connection now by sending prayers and intentions out into the cosmos.
The universe is with you. Wear a cloak of protection and love.
Spiritual protection is important at this time. Ensure that you are cleansing your energy before putting on protection. Fire up your divine connection and detach from dramas, people, places and emotions that no longer serve you.
Remember that within you there is a mighty soul light. Allow that light to shine through your entire being.
PLAY to face your fears and see the truth in all spaces to strengthen your connection with the universal life-force.
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If my messages are helping/uplifting you at this time, donations to the website are welcome.
Hi, I’m Lauren!
I’m a spiritual teacher, energy healer, and Golden Girls enthusiast dedicated to helping you find YOUR version of intuition so you can live an aligned life. I help empaths activate their gifts & embody their soul’s purpose.