Clients Won't Show Up Unless You Do
Do you live in a perpetual state of worry or trust?
Today we are going to be talking about why clients aren’t banging down your door, why they are not showing up for you in the way you feel they should be. Maybe you feel you are doing everything right, maybe you feel you are pumping out content or showing up on social media… you feel you are checking off all those boxes but for some reason the clients aren’t showing up the way that you’d like them too. Does this resonate?
We are going to be talking about why those clients probably aren’t showing up for you. It has more to do with the way you are kind of living your life. To be honest. If you are living more in a state of worry and wondering where the next thing will happen, wondering where you will be able to connect the dots down the road, if you are living for the future, or if you are living in more of a state of trust in the present. Maybe you’re really focusing on gratitude. This may be something you have heard about on a TED talk, it could be something you’ve heard about anywhere… but I keep getting these kits lately. These downloads and pings from my guides saying to me “your people, your community don’t need another strategy, they don’t need to know another technique, they need to actually step back and we need to take a look at some of their stuff.”
I can almost guarantee you almost everyone on here has in some way shape or form has repelled a customer from them simply because of your own beliefs and how you saw yourself.
How Many Of You…
First things first, if this is you… if what I am about to say resonates with you… I want you to tell me! Number 1: How many of you feel your clients emotions on a really strong level? It is almost like you are experiencing exactly what they are. You are feeling the emotion behind what they are saying or what they are concerned or worried about?
Number 2: If this is you… also tell me! How many of you often worry too much? You worry about things that are maybe out of your control. Or maybe you worry about the littlest of things.
Number 3: How many of you tend to not see the true value of your work to see the true worth of your work, because it just comes naturally to you? Because it is something you do day in and day out. It is something you think “oh wait you don’t know how to do this?”. And then you get confused because they don’t.
Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why we are talking about this again is because I felt really strongly last night… I hadn’t come up with a topic for todays conversation, there was a reason for that. I didn’t start to really dig deep until last night because I felt I needed to put it on pause and look at it when we got closer. So much shit is changing, guys. Whether or not you are new to energy and the universe and universal laws, it doesn’t matter. If you are listening or watching this right now, you are living on this planet. With that comes certain rules and laws that we just kind of either don’t acknowledge or recognize or we don’t care. The people that actually take the time to start to learn about these different things and apply them to their life and business, are the ones that start to see significant growth.
Trust vs. Worry
Let me ask you some real questions… I want you to be honest with yourself.
In life, in general, do you feel like you are living in a perpetual state of worry? You don’t know where your next client will come from. You don’t know what the future holds for you. You aren’t clear on what your goals are. You are just riding the wave. Maybe you don’t feel like you don’t know what your purpose is, genuinely. Maybe you feel lost and lacking legit clarity. You don’t know where you should be really going. That keeps you up at night!
Or maybe… you are living more often than not in a state of trust. You know without a shadow of a doubt you are taken care of. You are going to be okay. The clients are going to come. You know you are going to get clarity soon on whatever direction you are going to be taking in your business. You know what areas personally you should be working on.
Do you trust more than you worry? Or do you worry more than you trust? I want to know. You are not alone. There is a reason why I am talking about this. There is a reason why this is todays episode and talk. So often so many of my clients will come to me and say “I already have my systems set up and I’m doing well marketing and my SEO is on point… why am I not getting the clients?”
Let me be 100% honest guys… that has nothing to do with business. It doesn’t. The law of attraction means that whatever you put out there you are going to get more of. If you are living in a constant state of worry, then the universe will show up and give you more scarcity. It will give you more things to help you worry more.
If though, you are just going to leave it to chance, you are going to trust that everything will work out exactly the way it is supposed to. If you are living in that mindset, the universe will show up for you. It will give you the answers and the end result you have been wanting. But when you start to really worry, it stops that from happening. It stops that tidal wave, that surge of energy from happening.
I want to ask you guys, I posted this on my Instagram last night and it speaks to today. Have any of you ever worried yourself into a blessing or worried yourself into a solution? Me neither.
You have to take a step back and really think about what are you giving gratitude towards. Even if you are living right now and it is hard for you to get out of bed. Maybe some days are more difficult than others, maybe some days you just feel defeated and walk away from it all. I get that. I get there too sometimes. But even on those days, what are you grateful for? What are you giving thanks for?
In your business, maybe you aren’t exactly where you want to be… but right now you are growing. Especially if you are here. But even on the days when it is hard to find the good in things… you have a bed to sleep in. You have electricity. You have a phone. You have internet. You have hot water. You have air in your lungs. You have tiny things to be grateful for. When you start to call out those tiny things and write them down… you start to find the good outwardly. You start to see it on a much larger scale. You are then able to find the silver lining in any situation.
What ends up happening in the long run is the universe shows the fuck up for you. You are living in a state of gratitude. You are thankful for the things that you have and the universe wants to give more of that. It wants you to feel that way always.
Is this making sense? I want to make sure because I feel I am only literally scratching the bare bones surface of this. This is the foundation. What I am talking about sets the foundation and tone for manifesting. I have had many of you guys reach out to me asking how you manifest. How do I get started? If you aren’t here in this place I am talking about and living in a state of trust, it won’t happen for you.
Story Time - Manifestation is Real
I want to paint a picture for you of what it is like to live in a state of trust instead of worry. Last winter my laptop literally was about to self combust. It was overheating and it was only 7 years old. I knew I needed to replace it. Did I have the money at the time? No I didn’t. It was slow season for me and slow season for my husband. So obviously we are not going to worry about buying a computer at that moment. But after months of saving a little but I was only about $400 or $500 short. I started to worry… “where am I gonna get it from…” I started to do what we all do and I started to get up in my head. I started to worry.
Then I took a step back and reminded myself that it was stupid! I don’t need to worry about this, it will work out the way it is supposed to work out. I flipped the script and I said to myself… I am going to get this computer by the end of the week. It was clear! I am getting it by the end of the week. I don’t know how it is going to happen and I don’t need to know how. But it is going to happen.
A day or two goes by, no changes. Another day… no major changes. And then on the third day I go out to my mailbox and inside there is a check from State Farm Insurance from 2011. Because we overpaid by $287 back in 2011. Now… mic drop that one. A couple of things I want to point out though.
We no longer have State Farm. We switched.
We moved.
How it got to me, beyond me! Do I need to know? No. There was that piece. Then later that night all of the sudden I felt called to check Dubsado and see if anyone has signed up under me. I love Dubsado, but I don’t talk about it to make money. I talk about it because I feel it is a solution for so many people who run creative businesses. I have had Dubsado at this point for a year and a half. I had never checked. So I checked. $410 was just sitting waiting for me in my affiliate account. Had it been there all along? Yeah, but had I stopped to think about it when I was in my cloud of worry? No.
So what happened? I was able to get quiet with myself and say “You know, whatever is going to happen is going to happen”. There was all the money I needed plus enough to get me a pair of earbuds. That is me painting the picture of trust versus worry.
Worry took me months and months and months of planning or stashing away or feeling like a chipmunk putting the nuts in my tree. And then when I realized it was dumb… I decided to trust. It happened guys, I can’t make this stuff up.
Again, these are the types of things business owners don’t pause to think about. When was the last time you took stock and inventory of what was going on inside?
I had someone comment on my Instagram and it was in regards to collecting feedback from you all. I asked when the last time was that you served your audience instead of thinking you know what they want and what they are experiencing? For so many people it was such a good reminder. I had someone in the comments say to me “I’ve asked but I’ve never gotten an answer. I’ve offered incentives and I’ve never gotten an answer. I don’t know why.”
So really quickly, I tapped in to see what was going on and it took me all of 3 seconds to see she is in a constant state of worry. Living in that state of worry is repelling people from her. What I’m saying goes much deeper than just how to run a successful business. What I am saying can help you in life.
If you are looking to dive deeper in this area or just in general, then send me an email or message me. Lets discuss it. I really am getting this feeling that many of you are really resonating with what I’m saying. You will be identifying with the little pings I am saying. You are feeling tired. If you are ready to take things to the next level, let me know.
In Closing…
With all of that being said… I would love to hear from you. I would love to hear if todays’ episode was helpful. Did this bring you a bit of clarity? There is a lot that goes into business. I don’t care who you are! I don’t care if you are an authority figure rocking your niche in the industry. There is so much more to business than strategy. When you show up, your business shows up. But if you aren’t right, you aren’t where you are supposed to be… neither is your business.
To recap… your clients aren’t going to start showing up to if unless you do! Unless you are showing up and living more in a state of trust versus worry and constant “what is next!?”. If you can trust that the universe has got you, then you are going to be okay. To take that one step further… you have to make that conscious decision. You have to say what it is you want. You have to say or write it down or making that decision or setting that goal… you have to say “I want this. I am worthy of this”. You don’t have to worry about how its going to happen, that is the universe. If you just set the intention I guarantee you the universe will show up if you are living in a state of trust.
I hope this was helpful! This is what I am passionate about. This is what serves me. This is what my purpose is. To dig deep and uncover the shit that nobody else talks about to help you grow your business quickly and efficiently. You already have the answers inside of you of what you are supposed to be doing. But have you taken action? Or are you living in a constant state of fear or worry?
Without further ado, I am going to hope off and let you go. If you are feeling anything I said to you resonated… let’s talk! It’s not like I am going to sell you anything. Seriously. Let’s see where you are at.
If you are on my email list you would’ve seen my new packages that I am going to be rolling out for 2019. YAS! If you are interested in taking advantage of those while they are still at 2018 pricing... let me know! This is me living in a state of trust.
I do some digging and soul searching. I realize what was lacking was my ability to really help and serve people at the level I wanted to serve. For me that meant helping business owners with behind the scenes of their businesses. Helping them figure out how to set it all up and make it all work. I use this analogy all the time… just because you are a world renown photographer, doesn’t mean you know how to be the CEO of a company and vice versa. If you are the CEO of a fortune 500 company, that doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to take an award winning photograph. Right? That is what I felt I had come to do. So Wedding Boss Life is born. Here I am helping all of these amazing wedding professionals, teaching them about marketing and systems and SEO. Something is still missing. Now mind you, I could have quite honestly just been like “no its find, I’m loving what I’m doing”. But I didn’t, because I knew the reality of when you get those subtle nudges is coming for a reason. I knew there was a reason. I started to lean into it more, instead of being scared of it. What that ended up doing was one full year after me launching Wedding Boss Life, on a LIVE… I feel this push. That is the only real way I can describe it. I feel this push to tell the world that I am intuitive. Now this is something I have kept hidden to myself for the last 5 years. This is only something I know about. For those of you who have ever had to step outside of your comfort zone, who have ever had to come out of the closet (per say) in whatever way, shape, or form that looks like for you… whether that is coming to terms and reality with what your passions truly are, what you really want to do for business, the truth surrounding your sexual orientation… it doesn’t matter. You guys know that feeling of fear and worry of judgement and utter “Oh my god I am never going to be able to put this coat back on me”. Once I step out that door gets locked. I can’t play it safe anymore.
So thank you universe for allowing me to embrace that change because I was able to go LIVE and I did an energy forecast for the week. The response to that was something I will never ever forget. It was me coming out of the closet and I had so many people that either had an inkling or loved every facet of who I was and embrace me and they were so supportive and that is when I truly felt like my life has just changed completely and there is no going back.
“When you learn HOW to master tapping into your own intuition and the innate wisdom that lives within you, you’ll confidently navigate your business in a whole new soul-centered kind of way. ”
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