Weekly Energy: June 27 - July 3
Heart Awakening + Divine Alchemy
Awaken to acceptance and divine love. Give and receive in balance.
The cave of your heart is opening wide for you to experience divine love. You have an opportunity to overcome past pain, heartbreak, and let-downs. This is a wonderful time to cherish and love yourself and then allow yourself to be cherished and loved by others.
If you feel love revealing itself clearly in your heart, have courage and move into a state of trust. You are reminded that when true love is present - when divine love is present - there are no obstacles to overcome: it will be there, clear, pure and real for you to experience.
Your relationships are being brought into harmony on all levels of your life. Give and receive divine love with yourself and all those around you.
Move beyond current challenges. Focus on what you desire.
You are ready to move beyond energies or situations that are no longer helpful to you and make space in your life for something more purposeful. You may feel a real need for a clearing out - not just mentally or emotionally, but physically too. There is a sense that you are moving beyond challenges and forging golden opportunities from stagnant or unhappy experiences.
It’s important to recognize that you are like a magician at this time, with the ability to use your thoughts, will, and actions to bring about life-fulfilling and dream-enhancing opportunities.
It’s important to focus on what you desire and not what you fear, because what you give your energy to will literally begin to flourish.
PRESS PLAY to awaken to acceptance and divine love
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If my messages are helping/uplifting you at this time, donations to the website are welcome.
Hi, I’m Lauren!
I’m a spiritual teacher, energy healer, and Golden Girls enthusiast dedicated to helping you find YOUR version of intuition so you can live an aligned life. I help empaths activate their gifts & embody their soul’s purpose.