Weekly Energy: July 4 - July 10
Reclamation + The Wildling
You were born as a perfectly imperfect human with gifts, talents, medicine, wisdom and knowing. Growing up in a culture that does not nurture these gifts creates misalignment with our highest truth. Reclamation can be a lifetime process as it is continually awakening to ancient medicine we knew in other lifetimes and soul wisdom.
While there is no rulebook or map for this journey, your attention is being called to what stirs deep inside your soul memory. Follow your intuition, trust that desire, and follow it. Reclaim your knowing, your power, your medicine and your healing. Enjoy the mystery and stories unfolding.
This is a time to connect to the most primal parts of yourself. This may mean you need to detach a bit from the people around you so you can hear the whispers of your deepest knowing without the influence of others.
The Wildling is raw, empowered, and independent. Many people are intimidated by them because they need little from others and prioritize radical freedom which can be unsettling as most of society operates within unspoken expectations and contracts. The wildling burns the contract and heads into the woods.
Wildling comes to us as an ally when we need to break free of the systems that limit us. The Wildling within us remembers a time where we lived with the land, when we walked barefoot, when our lives were in alignment with the natural world. Wildling is a call for remembrance. A good way to invoke Wildling is dive deeper into our body and hear what it needs from us on our most primal level.
▶️ Tap play to reclaim the wildling within
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P.S. Doors are opening this week for Shadows Unveiled! Join me inside this 8-week container to illuminate your shadows and heal the fragmented pieces of your subconscious.
Are you ready to clean house? Are you ready to light the torch?
If my messages are helping/uplifting you at this time, donations to the website are welcome.
Hi, I’m Lauren!
I’m a spiritual teacher, energy healer, and Golden Girls enthusiast dedicated to helping you find YOUR version of intuition so you can live an aligned life. I help empaths activate their gifts & embody their soul’s purpose.