Weekly Energy: July 18 - 24

The Seeker + The Alchemist

The Seeker indicates a need for energy, movement, vitality and excitement. The Seeker is childlike at heart and has faith that at its core, the world is a beautiful place. As we grow older, it is easy to lose touch with our innocence and sense of wonder. We have responsibilities, stressful home and work environments, external pressures, physical sensitivities and dis-ease - in the end we get locked into a survival mentality and we don’t know how to break free. 

The Seeker’s message is one of reclamation. It is not so much about ridding yourself to he stress, but remembering your essence. Slowly nurture your sense of wonder to all that is around you. You may feel silly at first, but keep working on it to balance out the negative. Replace statements of “what if everything goes wrong” with “what if everything is exactly as it should be?” 

This is a time of metamorphoses. It is a call to view everything in your current life as an opportunity for growth. Right now is a potent time to plant the seeds of what you want to invite in. It is also a reminder that our thoughts are incredibly powerful - we may not feel like we have a lot of control over our lives, but we can work hard at changing our thought patterns to ones that empower us. 

Whatever given, the Alchemist is able to transmute. They may have a handful of “bad” ingredients, but they are able to make magic with what they have. It can be a long process, but they hold a vision for the final product while continuing to show up in their negative situation and slowly work at transmuting it.

▶️ Tap play to transmute the shadows and plant the seeds of intention ▶️

If my messages are helping/uplifting you at this time, donations to the website are welcome.

Hi, I’m Lauren!

I’m a spiritual teacher, energy healer, and Golden Girls enthusiast dedicated to helping you find YOUR version of intuition so you can live an aligned life. I help empaths activate their gifts & embody their soul’s purpose.


Weekly Energy: July 25-31


Weekly Energy: July 11 - July 17