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The Essentials You Need to Up Your Client Game
If strategically timed and thought out, not only can a welcome gift build trust with your clients, but it can serve as promotional material on social media, will set you apart from the competition, AND it can take care of having to repeatedly cover the basic information you tell each and every new client. Now if you don’t view that as a win — you probably resemble Robert on Season 8 of Shark Tank. Well. Any season really…

Stress + Rest = Growth
We are not powered by solar energy. We are not energizer bunnies, we are not programed to always be on. We are not programmed to always be going 100%. We need to recharge. We have to! If you don’t, what happens? You die. Well figuratively. You are not programmed to always be on at 1,000 miles an hour. It’s not how we were born to be. It is not how our brains are wired.

Setting Intentions + Finding Your Word of the Year
I don’t know about you, but for me it is not so simple as to just be like “I am going to release everything” or “income”, “abundance”, “alignment”. It’s not that easy for me to think of a word. SO I am going to share with you what I do to make this happen. I am sure some of you have heard of Power Sheets or other year in review calendars. But for me, this is enough. I don’t have to buy one more thing to look at my year in review. To each their own. I am going to provide you with a bunch of prompts, so feel free to open up a notebook, grab a pen… I want to give you a bunch of prompts that you can work through.

Enthusiastically Embracing Your Failures
Failure. It is such a scary word. But what makes it scary? What is it about the word “failure” that makes us cringe when we hear it? Well, let’s face it. The word failure itself means a lack of success. And for an entrepreneur like myself, the last thing I want is to be unsuccessful at anything I do. As an entrepreneur, you go through these crazy obstacles so that you can be successful. You have your wins and have your losses. You hit your milestones but made your mistakes along the way. To be completely honest, before a couple months ago, I was SO afraid of failing. Why?
Start your journey
The more you let go, the higher you rise.