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Are you Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening?
Now, the most common wake up calls that one can experience during an awakening could be that of:
Financial hardship
Prolonged period of frustration with life
They begin to experience the sensation that there's something missing. There's something off. There's something much larger out there than just themselves. Synchronicities replace coincidences. However, the call awakens you, it catapults you into this phase of learning, of seeking, of discovery, and when it happens, you suddenly need to know, understand, and experience more of what you've begun to tap into.
4 Lies Holding You Back
Let’s shed light on some of the most common reoccurring doubts business owners tell themselves and how to finally dropkick that negative self-talk right in the face once and for all. How many times have you thought to yourself, "Nobody would pay that much…” or “There are already a million other planners/photographers/florists/caterers/fill in the blank out there.” The list of common doubts that we allow to permeate our stories are endless. Here are 4 of the most common lies we tell ourselves as business owners. These lies are ones that even my own clients before working with me have lead themselves to believe.
The Moment I Realized I Was Going About Business All Wrong
It dawned on me the first of the year, that I was hiding behind my desk. I was hiding behind my work. I was staying busy just to avoid dealing with my own blocks and problems and dealing with things that one would think don’t affect your business, but they do and they do in a really big way. When I had this realization and AH-HA moment… how many of us just say “I’m good, I’m just really busy”, or just work work work work work. You are always finding something else to work on in your business. But how often do we take a step back and see if that is really what needs to be worked on. I think that happens way fewer times than any of us would like to happen or think about.
The Beginner's Guide to Dubsado: The Best CRM for Creatives
movie plot, but you’re almost at the finish line!
But once you’ve been rocking the basics for awhile, you become a badass with sexy systems, and you need the tools to match. If you’re using one app for email, one for invoices, one for contracts, and yada, yada, yada, systemizing starts to add up…
In dollars spent on app subscriptions…
In passwords you have to remember…
In browser tabs your poor computer has to keep running at once…
It can be a LOT to handle for you, your wallet, and your computer.
At that point, it’s time to move to a new type of tool: customer relationship managers (CRMs). They’ll be your new BFF.
Today I want to tell you about my favorite one: a handy dandy app that can replace a ton of the tools and to-dos in your wedding business.
Please, meet my love Dubsado.
Start your journey
The more you let go, the higher you rise.